Maintenance & Repair


Pothole Repair

We offer preventative maintenance in the form of sealcoating and pothole repair

What is sealcoating?

Sealcoating is the best way to maintain the quality of your driveway.

Sealcoating is the application of a protective liquid onto an asphalt surface. This protective liquid forms a member over the asphalt, which extends the life of your driveway or parking lot. Sealcoating is applied directly after the asphalt surface has been laid. After which, it is recommended that it is reapplied every two to three years.

The Benefits of Sealcoating

  1. Prevents the surface from becoming brittle and breaking. This leaves loose pieces of gravel on the surface

  2. Fills in small cracks and prevents larger cracks from forming. Saving you money in the long run.

  3. Acts as a protective membrane, preventing weather damage and chemicals from seeping into the surface. Which will shorten the life span of your driveway.

Potholes Repair

Potholes are unfortunately a common feature on our roads. Potholes often occur when water gets beneath the surface of the asphalt and slowly washes away the subsurface. Causing the asphalt to collapse. Potholes also form when cracks are not maintained. Water seeps into the cracks, gradually increasing their size. The subsurface gets disturbed and the asphalt above crumbles, eventually forming a pothole.

In order to prevent potholes, it is important to fill cracks before they get too big. This can be achieved through regular sealcoating applications. Or if the cracks are too large for sealcoating, then it gets filled with asphalt. If a pothole is present then the subsurface needs to be adequately compacted with the correct material and a fresh layer of asphalt applied in and over the pothole. The edges of the asphalt patch is seal coated to prevent liquids from entering.